Week Ninety-Four in Puerto Maldonado

Un Corazón lleno de gratitud.

It was a memorable week with my last zone conference, companion’s birthday, and being soaked in rain the whole time. I am going to miss being instructed by the Spirit as President Herrera expounds the scriptures. I look up to him so much as my mission president and as my close friend. I have been blessed to get to know the Family Herrera as one of their missionaries. The rest of the week was the usual battle of being on the frontlines of the Lords army. The Kingdom will continue to move forward!

I have decided that this is my last email. The upcoming Saturday I will take a bus to Cusco. I will be there for a few days for an interview, good-bye dinner, training, and then a plane flight. Many mixed emotions come to me as I think about that reality! I am overly excited to see you, but I am going to extremely miss this calling. It has been a sacred privilege to say that I represent Jesus Christ during these past 2 years. Peru and its people have become a part of me. Every person that I have helped to accept the truths that I teach will forever be with me. The experiences are too many to count! It has truly been the greatest adventure of my life!

I am not going to be able to express the gratitude and love that I have towards my Father in Heaven for letting me serve Him over this time. The only option that I have is to show it by what I do and who I am for the rest of my life! I am going to serve Jesus Christ forever.

My homecoming will be on March 11th at 1pm. I believe that the address is 2188 E 100 S, Spanish Fork, UT. If we have met once or even if we haven’t, you are my friend! Therefore you are invited and I cannot wait to see you.

SIGUE SONRIENDO- Elder Daybell, un misionero agradecido

4E99F591-EFB3-4819-AF53-FE8C08B64AA10725577F-323D-4B71-847A-C8D6742D0C40-Zone Pday with President!

C1665231-A211-40C5-A774-31D3B16B758446E94B02-54B4-4D85-87B2-BBBA25E65D0C3587500A-C591-430E-A605-AA5BDCFB4745-Taking my companion out for the bday

15E09159-3F3E-4A10-AB98-E95D0BCCB5E6-La Seleccion del Peru

1C61B006-7C5C-4EC3-A0F3-24C932269B8D9B2B7E99-568A-41FE-A5D3-8436212A94DB-a few members of Puerto

Week Ninety-Three in Puerto Maldonado

40 Días de Ayuno

Another week of full finding and teaching! I want more than anything to leave my companion with high hopes and a lot of work, so we are giving every second to God. We werent able to set Adalit and Carlos (progressing investigadores) with a baptismal date like we wanted, but they are close to being sure about the Restoration. Adalit is a 23 year old student of eco-tourism and sometimes an actress. Carlos is 14 years old and loves playing bball and attempting to speak english. They are so awesome and I am going to celebrate when they overcome thier doubts and are members of Christs church. If you could pray for them, I know that they will benefit from it! We have had many experiences, too many to relate, with finding new investigators that seem to have been just waiting to meet us. Way up, I feel blessed.

I am coming down to the end of a 40 day fast. Can you believe it? I have been doing a challenge that I have done before in my misión, but this time I have been the most focused. I wrote a list of 18 things that I want to give up or abandon, in order to be a better missionary and better follower of Christ. The goal is to “fast” from these things during the 40 days. Every morning I review the list and pray for strength to leave these attitudes, words, acts, etc. behind. Each night I pass over once again the list and ask for forgiveness of where I have failed. Its like an intensified repentance progress. I have come to the humble realization that some of our weaknesses can only be made strong in Christ. The spiritual experiences are countless over these 40 days! I am so grateful for the weakness that God has given me, because I grow in humility and faith thanks to them (see Ether 12:27).

I invite you to identify one weakness that you have! Then go before the Lord and plead for Him to convert it into a strength. He may teach you what you need to do to not exploit this weakness. He may take it away completely. He may be silent for a time, hoping that you can develop faith and patience in Him. Whatever He does, it will be for your eternal benefit! Weakness is divinely designed to aid us in our eternal progression.

Sigue sonriendo –Elder Daybell

CA33FE47-0BFA-4208-9773-AEBCC7E01891E83146C1-28B3-44B4-AF60-DB368F6BF8EEI took an accidental bath in that puddle behind me

02774195-4ADF-49AC-B9D0-09E1DB4795DDA picture of Jesus that I drew (broma)

73B60A1D-32E8-486E-9444-4ACC1C712802Splits with my zone leader Elder Bever… yet again!

CC8C8CFB-B3D8-4132-A01D-D233A64D1872BF6DEB5A-4306-46E9-90F7-5051101EB167Trees, trees, and more trees.


Week Ninety-Two in Puerto Maldonado

Por agua y por el espíritu

Highlight of the week were the baptisms! We were witnesses of Gods hand with Vicente and Diana. They are converts, and now comes the ever-important work of retention! I know that every success that one sees in the misión is only because God allows him to see it. And I offer prayers of gratitude to Him that allowed me to see these two come unto Christ through repentance and this first covenant.

I dont know what else to tell you.. This week was normal with the good laughs and the hustle. The good thing is that I am writing in my journal (almost) every day, so I will have many stories to tell! Antes que hable vainas, voy a despedirme. Mantenga su visión en lo mas importante; ¡en Cristo!

¡Sigue sonriendo! –Elder Daybell


52354543-8474-40F7-B821-87F4C3310C178DE3AEE9-C5D9-4455-9335-B4945E000DA615 minutes worth of rain

FAED95CB-4EB8-4198-BFB7-E70A142F60643AAAD071-DC98-4119-AE1E-44D7D352C08F2855438C-E3A2-4288-AD48-8F9A90ABA38455ED4D3F-9A05-401E-9FF5-E933B9495A9D25FA2753-CF35-4E0A-AB17-D510E4E83C41Puerto from the tower

B6805DC8-67D9-42A2-B781-167F8F091DD2My face when people get in my pictures… EW!

70CD1FC8-6C90-4FE2-9020-7305EAAE17D2BA20C20C-FB67-4684-98CA-B69FE92A352DService activity in the trees

20110222-E7C9-418A-B832-4E450232E116Sunsets in the jungle

Week Ninty-One in Puerto Maldonado


I have finally seeing fruits of my misión! After almost two years of sweating, longsuffering, running over people, and being lauged at, I am finally competing in soccer, sort of. We play every Monday in this zone, and I have seen some significant strides in my capacity to run and kick a ball. I am no Messi, but neither am I that bad.

The Pope came to town. He came in his stylish “popemobile” and actually passed our área 3 times! We had no idea that he was going to pass by, so we missed it. Its probably a good thing that we were so ignorant though. Otherwise the headlines would of read, “Mormon missionaries converted by Popes visit” and I would have been an embarrassed Elder.

We have two baptisms this next Saturday! I would like to talk about who they are:

Vicente Jara! He is a “eternal investigator” that is going to be now an “eternal convert.” He is Jehovas Witness but now has obtained a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Out of all the people who have read, pondered, and prayed about the BOM in my misión, only 100% of them have experienced the miracle of conversión. What greater evidence can someone ask for? I am constantly experiencing this change, or conversión, as I have studied it every day during my misión.

Diana Pillaca! She is the older sister of a recent convert from a few months back. She has listened on and off, but has had a struggle to leave the world that she grew up in. As we have taught repentance these months, she has changed. When one understands the Doctrine of Christ, they are willing to make any sacrifice. As she has applied repentance in her life, she has won a strong desire to keep the commandments and make a covenant with Heavenly Father.

I am a representative of Jesus Christ. I see His power in this labor on the daily. This is truth!

Sigue sonriendo! –Elder Daybell

E859C4B7-1A40-4715-B6F3-5F726AA0F563C9287119-B26D-4969-ADE2-B5BCE807E665Monkey Jack!

F9B4AA49-61C1-42D7-BAC8-6502CB5FDBF0319079C8-EDAB-46BC-8C81-70FBDF21ACB6My dope pope shirt.

DC74FA64-4068-4F1C-B353-C4EA82D06697Playing basquet in the rain with Carlos (investigador)

B0389FD6-B847-4A16-8627-91012FBA1CB0998DA551-A022-4293-903E-E534A362AB88We were locked out of the chapel and trying to get in… (no, twas a robber)

Week Ninety in Puerto Maldonado

Bienvenido a la Amazonìa Papa Francesco

This coming week is a monumental one. I cant believe I havent told you this yet, because we are reminded a million times each day, but the Pope is coming to Puerto Maldonado. That is kind of a big deal! I remember when this was announced almost a year ago: The Pope will be visiting Peru in the cities of Lima, Trujillo, and Puerto. This small jungle-city will be filled with people from Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, and other countries. My companion and I want to get the Book of Mormon to him, but we will see if we get through security. If you want to learn more about the Pope, refer to the first 4 pages of Chapter 40 of “Jesus the Christ.” Its a great book.

On a more spirtual note, I am going to miss the Prophet Thomas S. Monson. I felt a initial shock and then pained when I found out. That is another testimony to me that I have a testimony that he was a prophet. I have never met him personally, but I felt as if I had. Why? Because he was a Prophet of God! I heard that so much before my misión, but now I realice the magnitude of what it means. When one has a testimony of prophets and apostles in these days, it changes everything. I will especially miss the words of wisdom that President Monson always had in conference, and his example of always “taking the long way home” in order to remember the one forgotten.

I know that his sucesor will seek to do the Lords will, becuase He only prepares, calls, and magnifies those who do so. I give the invitation to repass the words of the apostles from the last October general conference. I know that those messages are what the Lord wants us to have in mind during this time, becuase He can see what is challenging us, and what will come
SIgue sonriendo -Elder Daybell

6BE8F483-AA2F-4D79-B6B5-B1A9A694D8DAElder Joel Thatcher (famous swimmer on the university level in the States and my friend)

493AF362-F174-45C7-AABB-D357B0582CA7The wall says “Forgive me, fattie”

2F22D8D8-73A6-489E-B537-D9DEF90193F9Jungle frog

95A8679F-EDA1-4F97-9131-2C13E22C4E90Cool painting of a Native and I



Week Eighty-Nine in Puerto Maldonado


This Sunday was one of the most spiritual sacrament meetings that I have been too. Allow me to give you some context:

We have an investigador, Marcial, that is a reference from a less-active family. His wife and kids are all members, but havent participated in the church for years. We are trying to rescue the family and baptize him! This Sunday he came alone. I was sitting by Marcial when he told me that he wanted to bare his testimony. I told him that he cant because he is a sinner.

JOKE. We went up and he shared the most powerful testimony that affected everyone! ¡He testified that he was going to save his family and keep fighting against his weaknesses because he knows that Heavenly Father will help him! All our investigadors were impressed by the Spirit and we even had a guy contact us that wasnt a member. I know that the Atonement is real and we are going to help Marcial and his family access Christs power.

Its the first day of the transfer today. The first day of the last transfer… I still dont feel it. It seems that I will be here much longer than I actually will. I am not scared to go home, but it scares me to think about leaving the mission. ¡I love my purpose of life right now! Never has it been more fulfilling. I will consecrate myself even more to that purpose for these precious weeks. Los que hablan me idioma, me pueden preparar referencias para que pueda sacar citas lo mas antes posible. Me refiero a las referencias que son solteras, bonitas, e inteligentes. Estoy prácticamente abriendo área cuando llege. Recuerdo mucho las palabras del Presidente Hinckley; “Muchos piensen que la obra del casamiento solo es contactar. Todos los que conocen esta obra saben que hay una manera mejor: por medio de las referencias.” Asi lo dijo casi.

Keep smiling! –Elder Daybell

6F268E21-992D-45B1-8852-838BE36CBCC8Splits with the Elders (Lopez and Flores)


6DB1AE69-2063-4D0C-B91A-9801D9DE8B0F5E8AF419-9752-4CD4-9811-2971C18849A4Watching a movie during Pday on our little plasma screen

960B2A8E-675A-4DE4-ABDB-B36124D6C0B577E49772-9F84-4C06-A613-1FC985463B6BThat river is a road usually





Week Eighty-Eight in Puerto Maldonado

Feliz Año Nuevo

I remember thinking at the start of 2017, ¡“Wow I get to be a missionary for this whole year!” And now? Where did that year go!? That was the fastest year of my life and will be cherished forever. I hope you are all having a great 2018 so far.

We had a great close to the year! Yesterday we had 5 investigators at church and we now have 2 with date for baptism. We have high hopes for this month! One thing that I wanted to do in Puerto Maldonado was focus on finding and teaching canidates for the higher priesthood. If Puerto is going to be a stake soon, then we need to find leaders! We cant have the church established without priesthood. One person with date is Vicente. He has been an investigator for almost a year, and has only a few chapters to finish the Book of Mormon. We have been talking a lot about the covenant of baptism and how he can recognize the Spirit, and he knows that this month he can finally make the decisión. 2 others in church were the dads of part-member families. It may be more of a struggle to change a grown mans habits and customs, but I know that these men have desires to be better!

The people are more liberal here. For example, a few nights ago as we were walking down the street we heard screams and whistles at us from down the road. I natrually thought that they were extrememly brave girls, but when I turned, I found two over-weight homosexuals passing us on a motorcycle. That doesnt happen in other parts of the misión! We are still laughing at the experience.

As we reflect on this past year, perhaps we will think of what we have done or accomplished. You might be making goals and plans to do even more this year! While that is important, I have also found that we should think about who we are. Who are you compared to last year? Have you changed for the better? Dont just think about what you want to do, but who you want to be. I am changed after 2017. I have became, even if by a few inches, a better person. I have become a little more like my Example. I have followed Him and depended on Him, and by doing that I am more like Him.

¡I am making plans to continue to be what Heavenly Father expects me to be in 2018! I know that you are too.  Dont get discouraged on the way, but enjoy the process! That process lasts a life-time and probably more, but you have a divine help in the work of that process. ¡Asi que debe seguir sonriendo mientras!

-Elder Daybell

DSCF9805Poncho style

DSCF9809DSCF9808Young Mens activity that we spoke at

DSCF9811My fridge is heaven (thanks fam)

DSCF9827DSCF9820DSCF9825The usual fútbol

Week Eighty-Seven in Puerto Maldonado

Feliz Navidad

I figured that I would write a small part of what I feel for Jesus Christ, being the day that we celebrate His birth event.

Everything I am and any good that I have done is thanks to Him. He rescued me as a lost sheep! He gave me sight, for I was blind! He enabled me to return to peace of mind and true happiness. I owe Him all. I think that many missionaries come here thinking that they are going to pay Him back for all He has done. I have realized that I could never give Him more than He continually gives me. I will never be able to say “we are even.” He has given me so many second chances and new beginnings! I will forever be in His debt. However, I will give my time, desires, and heart to Him forever as a way to thank Him.

I know that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ. I know that He was born in humility, lived unto perfection, and died suffering for me. The Savior of my soul and any other that realizes their dependence on Him.

I cannot imagine a more fulfilling and joyous time in my life than right now! I live only to invite others to come unto Christ. I occupy my entire mind and exhaust all my strength for the sole purpose of helping others get to know Him. What kind of life could be more real? I invite you to remember the reason He was born. Ponder all these things in your heart as we close out this year. The humble invitation is to give a little bit more, especially if it has to do with bringing souls to Him. ¡Espero que tengas una feliz Navidad hoy! Disfrútalo y recuerda las bendiciones en tu vida. Si no puedes pensar en bendiciones, por lo menos me conoces.

Sigue sonriendo! –Elder Daybell


DSCF9679DSCF9683DSCF9678 Running by the river

DSCF9688Mas gatos

DSCF9795DSCF9708Noche Buena!

DSCF9747DSCF9753DSCF9757DSCF9761DSCF9775Wizards or fire benders? You choose, nerd.

Week Eighty-Six in Puerto Maldonado

¿Que puedo decirles?

What can I say? I have had a great week. Adjusting myself to the real missionary life. We have been laboring unwearingly, but are waiting to see the results. I remember how difficult it can be to be in your sector two weeks straight, but then only see 1 investigador in sacrament meeting. One feels the temptation to feel down, but we arent about that! I giggle in the face of adversary. And that is a manly giggle! We are going to continue to work with faith and patience and I know that the Lord is going to bless us with more prepared people. Even now He blesses us! I just need to recognize it better with an eternal perspective.

It only reached 104 degrees twice this week with a bajillion humidity. I honeslty love it so much. The experience is once in a life time!

President came this week for a Christmas conference. In the show of talents, my companion and I did some Poland magic that was inspired by a very wise Douglas. It was the best. I also did some beatbox harmonica with an Elder Flores that knows how to freestyle rap. It was great to see the Family Herrera and the assitants. They make me feel loved and I sure love them. I know that this relationships will last for eternities!

I hope you all have a great Christmas! I am not sure I will write next week due to facetime. Pero… ¡Feliz Navidad! Que tenga un prospero año y felicidad

Sigue sonriendo! –Elder Daybell


i posted pics but I dont have time to tell yo what they are… But they are fun times!

Week Eighty-Five in Puerto Maldonado

Sudar – to sweat

I am in the promise land! Those promises are that I am going to sweat gallons each day, eat spiders in my sleep, and drink a lot of the jungle-fruit beverage called Copasú! I honestly think I have sweat more this week than I have in my entire life. Its not even that hot but the humidity of the Amazon is unreal! We are in the rain season, and that was proven when Sunday put the “rain” in rain forest. It honestly feels like a different mission here, becuase all my areas have been in the cold-aired Andes. I am loving it!

We got lost only once each day this week. I thought we were definitly going to get lost more! Luckily, a few members here are super Christ-like and we have had much help. They all question us, “Why do they open sectors when missionaries were here before?” My answer has become that even God has a sense of humor! It has been interesting because as we get lost, we begin to see the Lord guiding us to find new prepared people. I have been super stressed to not lose any of the precious time during the day, and He answers those earnest prayers in miraculous ways! The church is less mature, being a district instead of an established stake. The branch President is a convert with less than 2 years as a member. Coicidentally his name is Presidente Herrera, like my mission president. Many leaders of the branch dont have much experience in the church, but have all the desires that one needs. I know that we are going to see miracles working with them!

My companion is a powerful Elder! I feel the Spirit in each lesson. One thing that I admire in his attitude is that he truly values learning. Whether it be english, the scriptures, how to teach better, or any other thing the mission offers; he is dedicated to learn it. I am going to emulate this stellar attribute more like Elder Malón has shown me!

I am concentrated on taking full advantage of all the experiences that my final phase of the mission has to offer. I see Gods hand on the daily. I have a love for Jesus Christ that I didnt know was there at the start of this 2-year adventure! I have grown in my love for you as well. I miss you and hope that you are happy!

Sigue sonriendo -Elder Daybell




Puppies and Samuel (pensions kids)

DSCF9535Ice cream of Copasú is life

DSCF9515DSCF9531Good friends and elders