Week Fifty-Three in Cusco

This is a week

We have seen miracles this week!! Carlos and Juana Figueroa are getting baptized this next Satuday. We had a busy first half of the week with conference and Gran Pday in Cusco. We played actually instead of directed it and my team was hyped! We came up with a cheer in English and Quecha, I went crazy. “Reason to lose? MANAN CANCHU!”

The conference was super good. The other conferences my companion and I taught on Ch. 10 of PMG for half hour, doctrine of Christ for the other half hour. This time we felt on talking about the Doctrine of Christ the full hour and the Spirit was strong! Mainly because we sent out a talk a week before, so the missionaries all had their comments of fuego. I have learned a lot about the Doctrine of Christ in my mission. I have strived to always identify it in the Book of Mormon, always teach it to my investigadors, and always live it the best I can. I have really come to understand that Gods plan is perfect and that when I apply the Doctrine the plan works perfect for me.  I still have countless imperfections and errors, but I am happy and progressing when I have enough faith to repent. When I am willing to sacrifice at least one thing I need to change on the Sacrament table each week.  Nothing brings more joy than applying the Gospel! I have scored a try in rugby, I have snowboarded fresh powder, I have even eaten a double-double with animal style, but nothing can compare! Life is good while we are trying to be like Jesus.

The family Figueroa almost failed us.. we went to a cita Saturday and Juanita wasn’t cooking for us and I immediately felt what was up. Carlos told us that she didn’t want to yet and needed more time. We just listed shared a little hope from the Book of Mormon and left. That night I prayed and was just meditating all the next morning on how we could help. We went to church and they showed up! Juana after the sacrament meeting told us that she prayed and overcame the fear! MIRACLE. I am so grateful that the Lord sends His spirit to those who humbly search! I have been a recipient many times, and I have seen it in many others. YES.

I love this family. They make us food every time and always talk over us or each other. I cannot wait to tell you about it this next week! I love you and miss you!

Sigue sonriendo –Elder Daybell

DSCF8360DSCF8355DSCF8381DSCF7965[1]DSCF8362DSCF8368DSCF7969[1]DSCF8379Chinchero; more famous Inca ruins with Catholic temples built over them

       New shoe vs. Old shoe
Gran Pday Panaroma y Cancha

Week Fifty-Two in Cusco

Lago Titicaca… Los Uros!

Good news: I am done with travelling for like two weeks! I think so. We left Wednesday for divisions with the zone leaders in Sicuani, interviews with Juliaca and Bellavista Thursday, Gran Pday Friday, Conference Saturday with 4 zones, then travelled home all night Saturday. The whole week travelling, there wasn’t room in Presidents car, so we went in bus… Stinky panay bus. With the senior couple, The Johnsons. They are from Hurricane Utah and teach English to the missionaries! If I didn’t have my neck pillow, I would be coming home in a wheelchair with how comfortable these buses are. Good memories!

The gran Pday we went to the floating reed islands on Lake Titicaca: Los Uros! It was such a one and only experience! We went with 80 missionaries… I feel like I could herd cats when I get home thanks to how hard it is to get 80 missionaries from one place to another. But we did it! The families that live out on those islands lived out there when the Spanish got to Puno. They have lived there for so long and literally everything is made of those reeds. The floor, houses, boats, everything they can make with reeds.

I hope that your Easter was awesome! Sunday morning we traveled with Presidente and his family to a “Family Group” (not enough people to be a branch) of members in a little pueblo called Pitumarca. We just opened the area this change, in the zone of Sicuani. The entire church meeting was in Quechua there! I gave my testimony, but in Spanish. I want to learn Quechua so much! The love and spirit of those members was so strong! The best Easter experience was to see those faithful Quechua saints partaking of the sacrament. I am so grateful for the Doctrine of Christ and the clarity it brings! I have found the joy in that special ordinance every Sunday through Christ and his Atonement! It was definitely a privilege to be with such a humble people actively taking the Santa Cena!  But they did kind of treat me like the prophesied white God that is supposed to come. Jaja, no they just love gringos.

I love you and miss you! Sigue sonriendo!

-Elder Daybell


Los Uros!


My companion dead as we travel by bus

Week Fifty-One in Cusco

My baby cows (pun intended)

This week was a good one! My baby cows did swell up real big due to monster mosquitos. That’s right, my calfs have over 230 mosquito bites on them! Just from the knee down we counted two nights ago. Wild story!

First, you need to know that we did the conference in Abancay this week. Abancay is a little city in a valley surrounded by green mountains with perfect weather always. Sounds magical right? But the bugs are gnarly! 16 missionaries are in Abancay and Andahuaylas, which makes up one zone. We are doing 3 “Gran P-days” this change. We are going one day before each conference to do a bunch of activities and play some soccer with the zones.  It is to help the missionaries relax and have some fun with them! This week we went to Abancay to a park kind of up in the mountains. It was super fun! We played some soccer (scoredlike4goalswhatsup), tug war, handball, Frisbee, a sketch, and a bunch of other games.

Saturday we did the conference and divisions with the zone leaders! The entire city of Abancay is a valley, but like on a hill. I was working, denying that I was in any pain like usual, when I was just struck by a fever! When we finished the divisions, I tried to stand up and my legs were swollen and bright red. I honestly couldn’t stand up straight or feel my ankles. It felt as if my legs were on fire! That night my body was a roller coaster of temperatures from shivering cold to drenched in sweat. My rib cage ached and my head pounded, but then I did some drugs. Well, my companion gave me a blessing in the hotel and I took some powerful meds. Sunday they just itched a ton but I do not dare itch them. Now I am doing fine and they didn’t have to amputate anything! I will say that one more time for my mom: I AM DOING FINE NOW. Don’t want you to be worried J

Definitely a cool mission story. I will remember it forever because it was the worst pain I have been in for a little while. Other than that… the mission is doing well! We have Puno this upcoming week, so I am stressed trying to plan the Grand P-Day and all that. I will tell you how it goes! This three weeks are soo busy. I love it! Shout out for the Keeler family from Vegas that bought us McDonalds in Plaza de Armas today. First Big Mac in a while! If you see the missionaries walking around this week, give them a solid reference. If you don’t have one (everyone has one), at least buy them food. The best two years!

Sigue sonriendo! –Elder Daybell


Most sacred Inka Temple: Coricancha


My eaten legs and swollen ankle…


Horrible drive in the back of Presidents car!



Week Fifty in Cusco

Consejo y Conferencia

Good week! How was the general conference for you? Hope you felt your faith strengthened! I feel so grateful to have a Prophet. I knew that prophets and apostles were true before the mission, but I think I have really come to treasure what that means in the mission. I have seen we live in hard times, but we definitely live in the best of times! We just need to train ourselves to focus on the good things. After this weekend, I have been corrected and lifted; ready for the next 6 months!

We also had Leadership Council with all the Zone Leaders and Sister Leaders. It was really good and we focused a lot about becoming an example as leaders. Example in obedience, in our goals and achieving them, and being teachers to the missionaries. It was super! This last month, we achieved the highest baptisms in the mission since I have been here. 81 baptisms in the mission! A lot has to do with the zone leaders doing follow-up with the missionaries and each companionship being excited about the work. I know that we have a huge potential here. We could have 150 as the norm if we keep building our faith! No lies.

I hope you are happy and preparing a package to send me. I think about you and pray that you can be loving life. If you haven’t written me in a year, write me and tell me about your favorite part of conference! And ALWAYS send me pictures. I love you!

Sigue sonriendo! –Elder Daybell


The Machu Picchu Krew (Elderes: Valenzuela, Haws, Ordoñez, Boelter, yours truly, Vargas, Vance, Westbrook, Castañeda, Palacios, Mateo)


Compy and I sweating in a mototaxi in Puerto



Compy and I setting up for Leadership Council

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESMy old ward (San Jeronimo) has a flag now! #represent